We support all types of properties. Residential and commercial. Single family homes, town homes, condos, apartments, Lands & Lots, mobile homes and more.
Yes. You will also get a dedicated homepage to easily showcase all your properties. Example: http://www.tourmatic.com/site/johndoe
Yes. You can bring your own custom domain to tourmatic and all your single property sites will run on your custom domain. This is a great option if you want to have a complete branded experience.
Example: www.9930rosedrive.com
We don't sell custom domain names. You can easily purchase one from GoDaddy.com and use it with Tourmatic.
Yes. You can modify the Tourmatic URL as long as that URL is not taken.
Yes. We have a built-in reporting dashboard that allows you to share and track your visitors, monitor views on your property and see how and from where your visitors are coming to your property site.
Yes. We fully support matterport 3D virtual tours and allow adding unlimited videos.
Yes. Every property gets a virtual tour as well. Example: Virtual Tour
Yes. All our templates support multiple agents.